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17 Mar: Discover The Goodness Of Chocolate With Cacao Sampaka!

You may have tasted many luxury brands when it comes to chocolates. But when talking about the last word and the best in chocolate tastes, there is just one name, Cacao Sampaka! Just one square of this luxury chocolate melting in your mouth is enough to make you a fan of it. The dark chocolate and its fruity flavors will have you addicted to it and you will understand why this fairly unknown chocolate brand…


16 Mar: How To Make Pancakes That Are Delightfully Delicious?

There is nothing more satisfying on a Sunday afternoon than enjoying your brunch with a stack of fluffy and soft pancakes. If you know how to make pancakes you can imagine pancakes in your plate dripping with shiny melted butter and syrup accompanied by some bacon and hot coffee. You can’t ask for a better Sunday, can you? For thousands of years, people have enjoyed pancakes. All over the world people have different ways of…


14 Mar: The view from a fashion industry insider.

Proud Mary is excited to bring to you our interview with Myrda Monasterial, plus-size designer, influencer and mom. Myrda hails from Las Vegas and has worked in the fashion industry for over a decade. She brings us her unique experience, style and zest for life in this exclusive interview. It is great to connect with you!  Let’s start off with a fun and simple question. Tell me about yourself in 4 words. MM: Loud, happy,…

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12 Mar: What I Want Are These 5 Best Gifts To Give Myself

Do you need a reason to think “what I want” to give yourself something? No. It is time to celebrate love for yourself. Shower yourself with love, affection and gifts that will make you feel pampered. You know that you deserve all the pampering that you give yourself. It is good to be selfish sometimes and not stop yourself from splurging on things that make you think “what I want” is this. You may not…

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11 Mar: Skin Care Tips For Winter – 3 Picks By Mary – The Face And Soul Behind Proud Mary

It is never too early to be prepared to keep your skin happy and healthy for tough times during the winter. It is always good to have a few skin care items for winter in your bathroom! Let’s admit it, winter can hurt your skin. So, it is priceless to know products that respect your skin in winter. Winter has a tendency to wreak havoc to your skin by making it dry and itchy. But…


11 Mar: Mary’s Weekend Pick

Featured Class: Row Flow, DC Row, 790 Maine Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024 I have used a rowing machine before, usually as part of a warm-up or to break up my gym workout. I never thought I would enjoy 50 minutes on a rowing machine. But then I checked out my first rowing class the other day in DC Row, the new, hip waterfront area of Southwest, DC. I loved it! The class, Row Flow, was…


10 Mar: Hoodie For Summer That Feels Like A Dream

Wearing a hoodie during the hot summer adds to a lot of inhibitions that limits this comfortable piece of clothing to the gym. But the versatile appeal of this amazing piece will make you reconsider the limitations attached to it. When you have a hoodie for summer stashed in your backpack or in your car you can take the guesswork out of spending a long day at the beach or planning a movie night with…

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10 Mar: Why Plus Size Tee Is A Craze In Athleisure Wear?

Heading to the gym can be interesting and more when sporting stylish and comfortable workout wear. But, it is not always easy to find good activewear like a basic plus size tee or a sports bra that is strong enough to lock down your bust during a kickboxing class. A basic plus size tee is a staple in every wardrobe. Whether you work out or not, with athleisure officially becoming high fashion you no longer…

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08 Mar: 5 Best Post Workout Soap For A Clean And Healthy Skin

Working out is good for your health. And feeling crispy clean after your workout is plainly GOOD! You might have a great workout session and be on a high after a run or HIIT, but your skin not so much. If you have bad post-workout skin care it can harm your skin leading to acne, blackheads, clogged pores and even dry itchy skin. However, with the right care, by using quality products like the best…

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03 Mar: Why Athleta Jacket Is The Perfect Weekend Workout To Brunch Outfit?

Having dressed up the whole week for work it becomes difficult sometimes to imagine yourself putting all the effort into the outfits for your weekend. And this is what adds to the beauty of the athleisure trend. The athleisure clothing is so comfy and so effortless to just throw on. The Crosscurrent UPF athleta jacket is the perfect addition to your weekend wardrobe. If you are looking for something that is comfortable for your training…